Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Book Review 1001 More Ways To Be Romantic by Gregory J.P. Godek

Don't wait for Valentine's Day to be romantic. The Book "1001 More Ways To Be Romantic" by Gregory J.P. Godek is a sequel to the popular "1001 ways to be romantic" and  gives hundreds more imaginative hints for the romantically challenged.

Some of the tips are more elaborate (and expensive) then others. For instance romantic hint number 1038 suggests hypnosis to help your partner become a better lover.

1001 More Ways To Be Romantic is the perfect gift for your preoccupied partner or buy it together and read it in bed. (That's my romantic tip.)

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trip To Port Orchard

Yesterday, I took a trip to Port Orchard Port Orchard is a  fairly old (incorporated 1890), but growing community about a mile across Sinclair Inlet from the city of Bremerton, Washington. My means of transportation was an old boat named "The Carlisle II".

 The Carlisle II is one of the few remaining boats of "The Mosquito Fleet." The Mosquito Fleet at one time consisted of hundreds of small boats that took passengers and cargo all over The Puget Sound. Highways, cars, and other means of land transportation made the Mosquito Fleet unprofitable and most of the boats are gone now, but the Carlisle II and a few other old timers still make the Bremerton-Port Orchard run about every half hour. The cost is a two dollars  for an adult one-way ticket.