Thursday, October 29, 2015

"The Jungle" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

Michael's father was moving some rocks out in one of their fields when he discovered the petrified trees.

Michael ran out to the field after hearing his father shout. They both stared at the find.  Dozens of Ginkgo trees frozen in time after being covered in lava eons ago.

That night, Michael had a vivid dream of being among the Ginkgo trees, except that in the dream the trees were green and alive. 

The next night the dream was even more realistic. As Michael sat in a tree, he could hear the sounds of prehistoric animals moving through the brush. Once he even got a glimpse of a Saber-Toothed Tiger.

After a dreary, friendless day at school, Michael longed for the escape of his dreams. 

Eventually, Michael found that he could return to the jungle any time he wanted. All he had to do was concentrate.

One day, Michael simply vanished. Volunteers scoured the desert calling his name, but Michael couldn't hear them, he was sitting in his favorite tree, a million years in the past.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

"Treasure" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

The tribe's  scouts had returned with good news. Up in the hills they had discovered a treasure trove of raw materials. Everything the Tacoma tribe would need to rebuild the machines of the old ones. The treasure site also contained a source of methane gas that could be used for power.

The only problem was that the treasure lay in a disputed area that was claimed by the Tacoma tribe and the Auburn tribe.

The Chief of the Tacoma tribe personally led his small army to claim the treasure for his people. A spy informed the chief of the Auburn tribe of what was happening and the army of the Auburn's also marched to the treasure site.

With crude weapons, the two armies clashed violently. Dozens of men were killed or wounded, but the more powerful Auburn army prevailed and claimed the treasure for its tribe.

The flag- bearer of the Auburn tribe searched for a good place to put his people's banner. He finally settled on a spot not far from an old sign. 

The old sign was rusted and faded but the flag- bearer could still make out the words: "Municipal Landfill."

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Book Review- "Rama The Gypsy Cat" by Betsy Byars

"Rama The Gypsy Cat" by Betsy C. Byars is a fun and exciting story for young readers. Rama the cat begins life in a Gypsy caravan, but an ill-advised fight with an older cat takes Rama away from his home.

Rama recovers from his injuries  incurred in the fight at the home of a boy and his family. A flood sends Rama wandering again until he finds a happy home with a traveling salesman.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

"Garden of Roses" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

Every Saturday morning, Steve took a walk into the desert that surrounded his home in Eastern Washington. His destination was one  of the many coulees scattered across the desert that were reminders of  Ice Age floods.

As Steve began his walk, he searched the desert with his eyes. Everything was still and peaceful, but he knew that many animals lived in the desert and the quiet was deceptive.

By the time, he reached the coulee it was near noon and getting hot. Steve had a small lunch on the edge of the coulee and began to turn back when he noticed a bit of color in the landscape. 

Steve walked towards the color and was astonished to find a rose garden. The closest home was miles away and he couldn't imagine someone going to all the trouble of growing roses in the middle of the desert. 

Steve remained at the garden for an hour hoping to discover an answer to the mystery, but nothing happened.

The next week, Steve hid behind some large rocks about a hundred yards away from the roses and watched the garden through binoculars. Sure enough, after about twenty minutes something moved through the garden. It was hard to see what it was because it moved so fast.

When he got home, Steve went to the hardware store and bought some rose plants. The next weekend, he left the plants at the desert garden and then retreated to the rocks and watched. After two hours, something moved in the garden and Steve laughed as the blurry object planted the Roses that he had left.

In the morning, Steve found a single rose on his doorstep. Apparently he had made a friend.

Steve brought more rose plants to the desert garden and waited. Moments later, a blurry object weaved among the sagebrush  and stopped before him. The creature that materialized in front of him was part woman and part bird. Black feathers flowed down her back  and arms, but otherwise she was a human female.

"Hello" Steve said to the creature. "Hello to you" the woman said in a high alto voice. "What is your name?" Steve asked. "The woman pointed a feathered hand at her chest. "I am Trella" Steve repeated the motion. "I am Steve."

"Pardon the rudeness of the question, but what are you?" Steve asked  Trella. "I and the others like me are creatures of the desert. We were friends with the ones who were here before you, but we hide from the new ones because we are afraid."

"New ones like myself?" Steve asked. Trella nodded. "How come we never see you.?" Steve asked.  "We can move very fast when we choose to." Trella replied.

For the rest of the Summer, Steve helped Trella with her garden, but when Fall arrived Trella became afraid. "Soon the men with guns will come. It is time for me and my people to go into the hills." she told Steve.

Steve begged her to stay for a few more days. He hadn't realized how lonely he had been until he met Trella. Reluctantly, she agreed to stay.

One Saturday, Trella was not at the garden. Steve searched and eventually found her hiding in a coulee, gravely wounded from a hunting rifle. Steve wanted to get a doctor, but Trella was terrified of the idea, so he did everything he could for her. 

In the end, Steve buried  Trella next to her beloved roses.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"The Car in the Woods"- a short story by Craig Zimmerman

Michael began his hike in the early morning and by afternoon had progressed several miles into an area he had never been before.

After lunch, Michael happened upon the traces of an old road and followed it for a couple of miles. The road suddenly ended in a pile of large rocks and a large No Trespassing sign.

Michael considered turning back, but he was curious about what lay beyond the rocks. 

On the other side of the boulders, was a forest of Alder and Douglas Fir. Michael noticed the faint traces of a road once more and followed it. 

Another mile on the road and Michael found the car. The vehicle was old. A Dodge from the 1940s or 50s Michael guessed. The driver's side door was open and Michael looked inside. Mold and other debris covered the instrument panel and the upholstery was destroyed by years of being exposed to the elements.

Apparently, the car had been driven to its present location decades  before when there was a serviceable road, but why leave it in the woods?

Michael began walking in the direction the driver's door was pointed. About a hundred feet into the trees he discovered the couple.

 All that remained of two people were a couple of  skeletons and the scattered remains of clothing and a blanket. Michael surmised that someone or something had killed the couple while they were in the act of making love.

Whatever happened here would have to be reported to the authorities. Michael turned away from the couple and headed back to the trail.

Suddenly a large man with a rifle blocked his path. The man shook his head. "I wish you hadn't found this" the man said. Michael pointed to the skeleton couple. "Who were they?" "One was my Mother. The other was her boyfriend." the man answered.

"What happened to them?" Michael asked . "My Father suspected something and so he followed my Mother one day when she was supposed to be visiting a relative.In a fit of rage, he killed them both."

"My Father always regretted what he had done and he made me promise to keep this sad tableau as it was."

"What about me?" Michael asked the man.

"You should not have ignored the sign." He replied