After an especially bad beating from his father, Brian ran out the door and into the forest behind his house. For hours, he walked among the trees.
Eventually, Brian came to a clearing where he noticed a tall man cutting leaves off plants and putting them in containers. Brian watched the man for several minutes before he mustered the courage to talk with him.
Brian shyly walked up to the man. "What are you doing Mister?" Brian asked. Bright blue eyes turned on him and the tall man smiled. "I am collecting samples for my work." he said. "Are you a scientist or something?"
"You might say that." the man said. "Can I help you find plants?" Brian asked "My name is Orion." the man said " and yes you can help me." What is your identity?" Orion asked. Brian held out his hand "Brian Wagner." Orion frowned for a moment and then shook Brian's hand. For the rest of the day, Brian showed the tall stranger where the best plants were.
Brian was having so much fun that he forgot how late it was . His father would be very angry if he were late. Brian said goodbye to Orion and ran for home.
When Brian ran in the door, he saw his father sitting in front of the TV. Brian tried sneaking up to his room, but his father grabbed his arm and pulled him into the living room. The beating went on until his father was too drunk to continue.
In the morning, Brian crawled into the woods. It took hours, but he finally found Orion once again clipping the leaves from plants. The bright blue eyes turned to him and the stranger rushed to Brian's side. "What has happened to you?" he asked "I fell." Brian replied automatically. It was an excuse he had used dozens of times before.
Orion nodded and pulled a small device from a satchel he was carrying and pointed it at Brian. "Do not be afraid. This is a tool for healing." he said. In a few moments, the pain from the beating was gone and Brian could stand again.
"How did you do that?" Brian asked amazed "It was invented by one of our scientists a couple of centuries ago in your measure of time." Orion said.
"Where are you from Orion?" Brian asked. Orion hesitated for a moment and then answered. "I am from a planet circling one of the stars you see at night. I was sent to this planet to do research."
"You don't look like those aliens in the movies." Brian commented. Orion laughed. "I'm sorry that I am so disappointing."
"When you leave can you take me with you?" Brian asked suddenly. Orion frowned. "What about your family?" "I have no family. My father beats me every chance he gets." Brian answered bitterly. "So it was your father that caused your injuries." Orion surmised. Brian nodded.
"It is generally not permitted to remove sentient beings from their home world. but perhaps we can make an exception in this case." Orion said.
"When do we leave?" Brian asked. " Today. I have a few more samples to collect and then we can go. Is there anything you wish to get from your home?" Orion asked. "My Mother's photo" Brian replied.
Brian looked at his house from the woods. With any luck, his father was seriously drunk. As quietly as he could, Brian entered the house and gathered his mothers photo. Suddenly, a fist came out of the darkness and sent him sprawling. Brian's father screamed in anger as he brutally whipped his son with a belt.
Brian was about to lose consciousness when Orion lifted his father from the ground and tossed him like a rag doll. "It is time to go." he said. In less then an hour, Brian watched the blue planet called Earth recede into the blackness.