Ronald Dexter stared at the blank screen of his laptop and willed an idea to come forth from his brain-but nothing came.
Just six months before, Ronald was a bestselling author and then his ability just vanished. He had tried, psychologists, psychiatrists, and anyone else who would listen, but nothing helped.
Ronald angrily closed the laptop and tossed all of his papers on the floor. As Ronald went to pick up the mess he spotted something in an old trade publication. It was an ad that said: "Writers Block Cured Guaranteed."
The ad was probably a scam, but he was desperate so he called the number listed in the ad and made an appointment. The Y and K agency's office was in a shabby part of town and Ronald's hopes for a cure sunk even lower.
Ronald eventually found the office and knocked on the door. A surprisingly young and well-dressed man opened the door. The man led him into the office and once again he was surprised. The interior was modern and stylish in every respect.
The young man held out his hand: "I'm Jack Taylor" Ronald took the hand "Ronald Dexter." "I'm a big fan of your work Mr. Dexter but I have noticed that you haven't been as productive lately." the young man said. "And that is the reason why I am here" Ronald answered.
Jack Taylor took a seat behind a beautiful mahogany desk and he motioned for Ronald to take a seat in front of the desk. "As the ad mentioned, I can cure your writers block, but there is some expense involved." Taylor said. "I will need some proof that your treatment is legitimate before I put up any money." Ronald said.
Taylor smiled and handed Ronald a sheet of paper with a number of names on it. Some of the names he recognized as writers more well-known then himself. "That is a list of former clients. Feel free to contact all of them about their experience with my agency." Taylor said.
In the next few weeks, Ronald did in fact contact the names on the list and all of them raved about Jack Taylor. Ronald returned to the Y and K agency and agreed to Taylor's terms.
The next day, Ronald returned to the Y and K agency and Taylor explained that a short trip was part of the therapy. Both men piled into Jack's car and they headed out of town. Jack drove for several hours until they arrived at a site deep in the Mohave Desert. Ronald looked at several decrepit old buildings and wondered if he had been suckered after all.
Taylor parked in front of an old barn and both men walked into the murky interior. Taylor then opened a hidden panel in the wall and punched a long code into a keyboard.
After a few moments, a massive door opened in the barn floor. Taylor punched more numbers into the keyboard and an elevator brought some sort of craft to floor level.
"What the hell is that?" Ronald asked staring at the massive apparatus. "A spacecraft" Taylor answered.
After a few moments, a massive door opened in the barn floor. Taylor punched more numbers into the keyboard and an elevator brought some sort of craft to floor level.
"What the hell is that?" Ronald asked staring at the massive apparatus. "A spacecraft" Taylor answered.
Ronald shook his head and laughed. Taylor pushed another button on the control panel and door in the craft slowly opened. Several computer terminals and a couple of padded seats occupied the interior.
"Do you want to go for a spin?" Taylor asked. Ronald shrugged "why not."
Taylor took his place in the pilot's seat and Ronald buckled up in the passenger seat. The engines started with a dull roar and Taylor operated another control which opened a panel in the roof of the barn.
Ronald was slammed back in his seat as the craft rapidly ascended. A large view screen showed the spacecraft's progress through the atmosphere and eventually into space. "Where are we going?" Ronald asked as he watched Earth get smaller and smaller.
"You'll find out." Taylor said mysteriously.
After several hours, the massive shape of planet Jupiter came into view. Ronald marveled at the beauty of the Jovian storm-tossed atmosphere and he immediately began to compose a story.