Tuesday, June 4, 2024

"The Haven" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

 Commander Deena Larson rubbed her eyes and tried to concentrate on the unending stream of data from her ship's main computer. 

After a year in deep space, Deena was exhausted and desperately needed a place to rest.

It took almost another year before the ship's sensors detected what could be a habitable world.

Deena's ship eventually attained an orbit around the new planet and a probe was launched to study the surface.

The atmosphere of the planet was rich in oxygen and there was a wide variety of plant and animal life. Deena studied the wildlife for several days and noted the odd fact that most of species lived in trees and only a few dwelled on the surface.

There were also numerous bodies of water distributed around the planet and Deena smiled at the thought of laying on an alien beach light years from her home in California.

Deena navigated her shuttle towards what appeared to be an inland sea and had the strange feeling that she was on her way home.

The surface of the planet was somewhat warm due to double suns, but the air was glorious, and she immediately felt refreshed.

Deena was somewhat disappointed to find the beaches of the inland sea covered with rocks, but she managed to find a section that was close to what she remembered from home.

Taking off her flight suit, Deena basked in the warm sunshine and eventually fell asleep.

An odd tickling sensation awoke Deena from a sound sleep, and she was horrified to find that she was covered with long biting red worms. 

Deena frantically brushed the worms off and ran for the shuttle. The worms seemed to be everywhere, and she finally understood why most of the planet's animal species lived in the trees.

Back aboard her ship, Deena tried to get some sleep, but she had a nightmare about the worms and was happy to leave the new planet behind when she resumed her voyage the following day.