Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"Landfill" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

Far beneath the surface of the county landfill, the combination of a hundred chemicals and other substances created a dark new lifeform.

After several years of growth, the new creature was capable of movement, and it slowly undulated towards the surface.

Upon emerging from underground, the creature felt the warmth of the sun, but its crude eyes could only see shadows.

Compared to the quiet of the underground the surface was full of the vibrations of life.

The creature longed to communicate with the other lifeforms that it sensed, but there was no way to do so.

As the sun went down, the creature realized that it had no place on the surface, and it slowly returned to the cold familiarity of the underground.

Monday, September 16, 2024

"Summer's End" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

In his 13th year, Paul Carter first met Holly as she wandered through the north pasture of his family's farm picking flowers.

They stayed in the pasture for hours making up silly stories about the milk cows that surrounded them and eating blackberries.

Holly returned the next day, and the young couple hiked into the hills that the bordered Paul's home.

At a small waterfall, Holly took off her shoes and soaked her feet in the cold water.

"Where do you come from Holly?" Paul asked suddenly as he watched the sunshine stream through her hair.

Holly shrugged. "A lot of places, I guess. It's easy to make friends on the road."

For the rest of the Summer, the young couple spent almost every day together, but as August rolled around, Paul noticed that Holly was becoming anxious, and he wasn't surprised when she told him she was leaving.

On a hot Saturday afternoon, Paul watched Holly walk away forever through the same field where they first met.