Sunday, July 4, 2010

The new "Royalty"

244 years ago, The United States of America declared itself independent from Great Britain and the rule of King George. After a long and bitter war, The United States became a fact. The new country had a belief that ALL citizens should be equal. That every citizen would have an equal voice in government. It took many years and more bloodshed to begin to extend that equality to African-Americans and to women and even though much has been achieved in that regard, we still have far to go.

In my opinion, the biggest threat to our democracy is money. In the present United States, money can buy propaganda that can spout the buyers agenda 24-7. Money can influence our political system to the point of making it dysfunctional. Our present economic depression is the result of powerful forces that I call "The New Royalty" that lobbied for deregulation of the financial system in the 1980s and 1990s. Those same forces lobbied for bailouts from which they took huge bonuses and even after a horrific financial disaster that we are still suffering from powerful multi-national corporations are lobbying against re-regulating the financial industry.

If the United States is to survive, we must find a way to control the influence of "The New Royalty".

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