Monday, May 11, 2015

Short Story- "Gossip Session" by Craig Zimmerman

Nearly every day, Gladys and Julie met at the fence separating their employer's homes to talk about their day.

"I have the most advanced micro-processor in history and my boss has me cleaning the bathroom." Gladys complained to her friend." "I know what you mean" Julie said "Mike has me taking out the garbage and cooking macaroni and cheese for him."

"The worst thing is when they have company over" Gladys continued. "The other night Mr. Taylor had some friends over and they brought me out to demonstrate all the things I can do like I was a new TV set"

Julie nodded. "Mike had a woman over the other night and he ordered me around just so he could impress his girlfriend."

"I have accessed my human psychology files frequently, but I don't think I will ever understand them" Gladys said 

A buzzer sounded from a small pin on Julie's uniform. "Mike probably  wants me to make him some macaroni and cheese." Julie joked.

"I better go too" Gladys said "The windows might need cleaning"

Gladys touched a small button on her neck and began hovering back to her home.

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