Thursday, December 15, 2016

"The Bookstore" a short story by Craig Zimmerman.

The Bookstore was located in a dark corner of the city. Benjamin had been going  to the shop for about half of his twenty years and it had become a part of his regular routine.

As he entered the shop, the old man behind the counter barely acknowledged him. As usual the shop was empty. Benjamin often wondered how they managed to stay in business.

Benjamin immediately went to the shelves that held stacks of dusty paperbacks. He pored through dozens of books with fading covers and forgotten characters looking for the gem that would help him escape his lonely existence for a few hours.

After about an hour, Benjamin became aware of another person nearby. The other customer in the  shop turned out to be an extraordinarily  beautiful girl. 

Benjamin went back to looking through the stacks. A girl like that would never be interested in him. "Do you like science fiction too?" Benjamin was surprised to see the girl right beside him. Benjamin looked into clear blue eyes. "I like the old hard to find stuff."  He answered the girl. 
"My name is Anita" the girl said holding out her hand. Benjamin hesitatingly took the girl's hand and gave his name. 

Over the next few months, Benjamin looked forward to seeing Anita at the bookstore. One day he mustered up enough courage to ask her on a date but was crushed after she said no.

After the rejection, Anita took his hand and looked into Ben's eyes. "I didn't say no because of you Benjamin. You are kind and smart and any girl would be lucky to have you.The problem is me. I can't leave this shop." "What do you mean you can't leave? Ben asked

"Because I am not real" Anita answered. "I am a collection of some of the characters in these old books and for reasons that even I don't understand, I occasionally come to life."

"That's crazy" Benjamin said. Anita shook her head and disappeared. A few moments later she re-appeared.  "So it's true" he said, but what do I do now?" Anita pointed to the exit door. "Go out there and find a real girl and have some fun. I will be expecting some progress the next time I see you."

Just before he went out the door, Benjamin  looked behind him, but Anita was already gone.

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