Wednesday, September 11, 2019

"Edwin and Maurice" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

Edwin the crow and his buddy Maurice were perched atop a scraggly tree watching the action in the Walmart parking lot that was their home.

Edwin spotted  a discarded bag of french fries and he nudged Maurice. "Let's go get those fries before the pigeons see them."  Maurice shook his black head "I don't feel like it today." Edwin looked at his old friend. "Are you sick?"  "I'm just tired I guess." Maurice answered.

Edwin took a close look at his old friend. Maurice was missing feathers and his  black coat was dull and dirty. It was a hard life for all the birds that lived in the parking lot. "My mother used to talk about living in the woods like birds are supposed to do. I would like to try it."  Maurice mused.

Edwin cawed in disgust. "Are you crazy? you don't anything about living in the woods."  "I know, but I'd like to try" Maurice answered stubbornly.

The next day, Maurice was still depressed and Edwin began making plans to take him to the woods. From other crows, Edwin learned that there was a fairly large forest within a days flight of the parking lot.

After feasting on a package of discarded cookies, the two friends began their journey.They flew over roads and houses and other parking lots like the one they came from. Finally, Edwin spotted a large area covered with trees. "There it is!" he told Maurice who was flying beside him.

The two friends landed in a tall tree at the edge of the woods and looked around. Maurice cawed loudly, but no one answered. It could be that there were no other crows in these woods.

Edwin spotted a clearing in the distance and the two friends headed for it. A large gathering of unfamiliar birds looked for food in the clearing. Edwin and Maurice watched them pull worms out of the ground and decided to give it a try.

Edwin was the first to find success, but the worm tasted awful. He would settle for a stale piece of bread over a worm any day. Maurice also found a worm and tried to pretend that he liked it.

While they were hunting for a food, a large four-legged creature attacked. Luckily, the pair escaped unharmed. "What the heck was that?" Edwin asked. "It looked like some kind of dog." Maurice replied his feathers shaking.

"Maybe we should just go home" Edwin suggested. Maurice whistled in reply and the two friends headed back to the Walmart parking lot.

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