The first incident of the day was in produce. Two guys got into it over some shriveled tomatoes. It took maintenance an hour to clean up the blood.
As chief of security for Battle-mart, it was Ted Booker's job to keep the violence to a minimum. After the worldwide economic collapse, retail became a highly dangerous business and that is how Battle-mart came to be.
Battle-mart was surrounded by a barbed-wire fence with armed guards at the three entrance gates. Even with all the security, keeping everything under control was a challenge.
The second incident of the day was in the slave market. After the collapse, slavery had once again become legal, but Booker hated it with a passion and did everything he could do to disrupt the trading of human beings.
Booker noticed that a young girl was being auctioned off on the platform and he shoved through the crowd to take her off the stage. Hessler the slaver tried to stop him but Booker was in no mood and he shoved the barrel of his M-4 into the scarred face of the slaver.
"I warned you about selling kids," Booker said tightening his finger on the trigger. Hess shook his head. "It was just a mistake... It won't happen again," he said in a high-pitched voice. Booker shoved Hess to the ground and took the girl to his office. Like so many other children of the new age, the girl was an orphan. He would have to find a family in the area that could take her in.
Booker's next stop was apparel. Two old ladies were fighting over a ragged dress. By the time things were under control, the dress was torn to shreds.
As Booker was about to go home, he received an urgent radio call that alerted him to a developing situation at the grocery entrance. Booker ran across the store just in time to find three men with several packages of toilet paper trying to get past the door guard.
Booker fired his stun gun and took down two of the men. The entrance guard took care of the third. Fortunately, the merchandise was undamaged.
As chief of security for Battle-mart, it was Ted Booker's job to keep the violence to a minimum. After the worldwide economic collapse, retail became a highly dangerous business and that is how Battle-mart came to be.
Battle-mart was surrounded by a barbed-wire fence with armed guards at the three entrance gates. Even with all the security, keeping everything under control was a challenge.
The second incident of the day was in the slave market. After the collapse, slavery had once again become legal, but Booker hated it with a passion and did everything he could do to disrupt the trading of human beings.
Booker noticed that a young girl was being auctioned off on the platform and he shoved through the crowd to take her off the stage. Hessler the slaver tried to stop him but Booker was in no mood and he shoved the barrel of his M-4 into the scarred face of the slaver.
"I warned you about selling kids," Booker said tightening his finger on the trigger. Hess shook his head. "It was just a mistake... It won't happen again," he said in a high-pitched voice. Booker shoved Hess to the ground and took the girl to his office. Like so many other children of the new age, the girl was an orphan. He would have to find a family in the area that could take her in.
Booker's next stop was apparel. Two old ladies were fighting over a ragged dress. By the time things were under control, the dress was torn to shreds.
As Booker was about to go home, he received an urgent radio call that alerted him to a developing situation at the grocery entrance. Booker ran across the store just in time to find three men with several packages of toilet paper trying to get past the door guard.
Booker fired his stun gun and took down two of the men. The entrance guard took care of the third. Fortunately, the merchandise was undamaged.
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