Tuesday, August 27, 2024

"The Glass Snake" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

Michael Chan was walking home from work when he was caught in a sudden downpour which was a typical event in his hometown of Tacoma.

In order to avoid getting soaked, Michael ducked into a curio shop and started looking around. An old Chinese woman eyed him from behind the counter.

Most of the items in the shop were out of his price range, but a coiled snake made out of glass was only twenty dollars, so Michael decided to get it.

As Michael was making his purchase, the old woman pointed at the snake and said something in Chinese. Michael didn't understand the words and he just nodded along.

The rain had finally stopped when Michael exited the shop, and he looked forward to seeing how the snake looked on his coffee table.

As Michael entered his apartment, he placed the snake on the couch and went into the kitchen to make dinner.

Microwave macaroni and cheese was ready in a few minutes, and he put his dinner on a plate and went to watch a baseball game.

Michael immediately noticed the glass snake was gone but out of the shadows of his apartment a stunningly beautiful Chinese woman appeared.

The woman bowed before Michael and said: "My name is Mei and I'm your new roommate."

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