Wednesday, March 12, 2025

"Trail to Nowhere" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

After several hours of hiking on a new trail near Mount Rainier, Julie Sutton realized that she had become lost. Fighting panic, she decided to find a high point on the ridge to see where she was at.

Julie was near the summit when she unexpectedly came upon a large house in a clearing. She had no idea that anyone lived so far out in the wilderness.

Julie hesitantly knocked on the door and an old woman immediately answered. "Can I help you?" she asked. Julie explained her situation and the woman gave her a strange smile. "My son Rolf can take you to the main trail." she said sweetly.

The old woman led Julie into a living room that was filled with hunting trophies. As if on cue, her son "Rolf" emerged from another room.

Julie noted that Rolf was a much larger version of his mother with the same odd smile. He motioned for Julie to follow him, and they both left the house. 

Rolf had little to say and seemed to know what he was doing, but Julie felt that he was leading her away from the trail down the ridge and she started watching him carefully.

Deep in the forest, Rolf turned to her and pulled a long knife out of his coat. Julie had been expecting something like that, and she dashed into the woods at the side of the trail.

Rolf took chase, and Julie could hear him crashing through the forest behind her. but she ran as fast as she could and eventually the sounds of Rolf's pursuit faded away.

By the time the sun was going down, Julie had found the trail head where she started from, and she called the police as soon as her cell phone came into the range of a tower.

The police took her report, and the next day Julie agreed to show them where she had found Rolf and his mother's house. Julie did eventually find the clearing but there was no house or anything else. 

The police ascribed it as some sort of delirium and Julie was left to wonder if she had imagined the whole thing.


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