I saw this obituary in the May 30, 2010 edition of The Seattle Times and I thought it was worth sharing: "J Renee Wilson March 16, 1952- May 16, 2010. From a note in Renee Wilson's kitchen: Spend ten minutes a day doing nothing. Identify the one thing that will make the most difference. Do it. Strengthen my presence. Be present now. Talk to strangers. Listen more. Speak less. Run my own race. Renee Wilson wore many hats: realtor, broker, film producer, director, fishing boat cook, forest fire fighter, sailor, geologist, welder; extraordinary chef and raconteur, magnanimous hostess "The Goddess of Conversation,"TED participant and sponsor; inquisitive traveler, hiker, horsewoman, naturalist; sculptor, painter, photographer, ballroom dancer. She was an eager intellectual, a passionate artist, an ever curious student, and an enthusiastic cheerleader for everything beautiful, true, fun, or delicious.
As for those hats, well, she wore a different one each day. With flair.
Alongside 'wisdoms' in her kitchen, adventure in her spirit, and a lively and compassionate interest in her fellow humans, Renee Wilson was admired in L A as the realtor who "took the fear away." Founder of Vision Realty, she was tireless, curious, industrious. She had s sixth sense for a good house. While her work didn't define her, she saw it as a calling, an opportunity to help others. As Communications VP of Verytag LLC, Renee's will was to use their technology in addition to medical products to improve the quality of life of people in Africa and India. Her signature was: "Comfort the frightened, coach the clueless, and teach the uninformed."
A Los Angeles resident of 25 years, Renee was born in Seattle and raised on Camano island, Wash. She was an alumna of The Bush school and the University of Washington. She leaves behind a wonderfully varied collection of friends. In lieu of commemorative gifts, please say a blessing for someone you love."