Sunday, July 21, 2024

"Dalton and Murph" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

It was nearly noon and Dalton and Murph occupied two old chairs that faced the main street of their crumpling   town.

A disinterested fly buzzed above their heads while the two old friends consumed bottles of warm beer.

Dalton made a crude remark about a woman who was walking on the opposite side of the street, but Murph just shrugged, he was in an ugly mood and even an attractive woman couldn't pull him out of it. 

Murph had spent his entire life in the same small town doing one job or another.

Now that he was in his fifties, he felt dissatisfied and uneasy.

The children from his two ex-wives were scattered around the country and he never heard from them.

Murph took a last swig from his bottle of beer and aimed the bottle towards a trash can, but the bottle missed and shattered in the street. Dalton raised an eyebrow, but wisely said nothing.

Several moments later, the sheriff cruised down the street and Murph waved to him cheerfully. 

The two friends were about to call it a day when a car filled with parents and kids stopped on the street in front of them.

"Do you know how to get to bat cavern?" a young woman asked.

Murph pointed down the road. You go ten miles and then take a right." 

Dalton watched the car depart and shook his head. "That doesn't go anywhere Murph"

"I know" Murph said as he too another drink of warm beer.

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