Monday, March 26, 2012

Where Is The Outrage?

President Obama assumes the right to use a drone to execute a U.S. citizen without a trial.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Book Review- "No Promises In The Wind" by Irene Hunt

Americans are currently struggling through  the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930's. "No Promises In The Wind" by Irene Hunt is a novel set during the Great Depression.

In 1932, 15 year old Josh Grondowski, his younger brother Joey and their friend Howie leave their unhappy homes in Chicago and hit the road to find work.

Hearbreak, hunger, and desperation is what awaits the boys as they travel through an economically devastated Midwest.

No Promises In The Wind does not go into detail about the causes of the Depression, but it does give the reader a sense of the period.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rotting Banana

This morning, I noticed a Banana that was sitting on the top of a bus stop shelter. I had noticed the Banana before, but now it is turning black and I wondered how long the Banana would continue to sit on top of the bus shelter until it completely rotted away.

I have also wondered why anyone would discard their Banana on top of the bus stop shelter. Does the litterbug hate Banana's or does he or she have something against the bus shelter?