Friday, September 6, 2013

Book Review- The City of Gold and Lead by John Christopher

"The City of Gold and Lead" is the second book in the Tripod Trilogy by John Christopher. In the first book "The White Mountains" young Will is recruited by resistance fighters to the aliens that invaded Earth some years before and now control humanity with a device fitted on the skull called "Caps"

   Just before Will is capped, he meets a resistance fighter named Ozymandias who persuades him to run away and join other other resistance fighters in The White Mountains in the south of France.

 Will makes the journey and becomes friends with "Beanpole" and Henry.

 In the second book, the rebels decide to find out more about the aliens by sending spys to one of their citys. Every so often, the aliens take humans into their enclosed cities to be used as slaves. The method of choosing the human slaves is by means of a sports competion.

Will and another of the resistance fighters "Fritz" win the competition and are taken by a Tripod into the invaders city.  The alien city and the aliens themselves are convincingly described  by the author and the story is scary and exciting. The City of Gold and Lead is good science fiction for all ages.