Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Pond

When I was a boy, one of my favorite places was a large pond not far from my home. The pond was surrounded by huge Rhododendrons, Alder, Douglas Fir, and Western Red Cedars. The main body of the pond was roughly oval and covered about an acre. A narrow channel at one end led to a shallow area that was about a third the size of the larger section.

I would often spend hours fishing or just watching the activities of the wildlife that lived in and around the pond. Blue Jays, Robins, Crows and other birds shared the trees on the shore. Above the pond Dragonflies darted back and forth hunting for Mosquitoes and other flying insects. There were also several species of water insects that inhabited the pond. One of the most interesting was the larva of the Caddis Fly. The larva of the Caddis Fly constructs a floating home from whatever materials are available, until it grows into an adult Caddis fly. Diving Beetles carry a tiny bubble of air that enables them to stay underwater until the air runs out. Water Boatmen have oar-shaped limbs and "row" their bodies through the water.

Green Tree Frogs clung to the branches of Alder Trees on the shore. Bullfrogs sunned themselves at the water edge. At the first sign of danger, the Bullfrogs would leap into the nearby water. The natural camouflage of Leopard frogs blended perfectly with the water plants in the shallow area. The Western Newt was the ponds only Salamander. I remember catching a Newt once. The bewildered eyes of the Salamander looked at me, and I let him go.

Fishing was one of my favorite activities in those days. The first fish that I caught was a Trout from the pond. There were also Catfish, and Sunfish, but I am not sure if any of the fish were native to the pond. I no longer go fishing, because I hate the killing.

In 1977, the pond was drained and covered with dirt. Eventually several houses were constructed at the site. I still very much miss the pond. I still find it hard to believe that someone could destroy something so beautiful and full of life.

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