Saturday, October 23, 2010


I hear political pundits in the media speak of voting as if  it is some gargantuan task. I have been voting for 22 years and the entire process might take a couple of hours. Before voting, it is important to do some research. If  you are a registered voter, your state will send you a voters guide  sometime before the election. The voters guide will explain any ballot measures and will profile all  of the candidates.
    Every voter should  do their own research. Don't let a pundit decide your ballot. I vote by mail, but many people still go to the  polls. I actually preferred going to a polling place, because I could talk to the poll workers and see what kind of turnout their was. I also enjoyed seeing democracy in action.

If you are going to a polling place take  a list of your choices. Some elections can have many ballot measures and candidates.

There are always a few  cynics  that  like to say that voting doesn't matter. I have watched  at least ten elections.The only time your vote doesn't count is when you don't vote.

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