Friday, March 16, 2018

"Tell Me a Story" a short story by Craig Zimmerman

Thomas Nelson had read every physical book in the shelter and everything in the computer as well. Without a book to ponder, the days were impossibly long.

When constructing the shelter, Thomas had thought of everything: food, medicine, clean water, power for everything, and plenty of books.

The problem was that the war had done more damage than he could have imagined, and he was stuck in the shelter for at least several more years.

One particularly dull morning, Thomas came up with an idea: "Computer tell me a story" he said into the air. "I am not constructed to perform such a task" The computer responded.  "Just try" Thomas insisted. The computer let out a mechanical sigh. "All right," it said.

"Once upon a time, there was a fish that liked to play Baseball." The computer began. "That is lame, how can a fish play Baseball?" Thomas asked.

 The computer began again: "Once upon a time there was a fish that liked to play Tennis." "You suck!" Thomas yelled as he threw a greenhouse-raised Tomato at the computer. The Tomato splattered nicely over the computer's control panel.

The computer let out a mechanical growl "Once upon a time there was a fish that liked to play Hockey" Thomas threw a heavy bottle which resulted in The Computer going silent.

"I want to hear the rest of the story!" he yelled into the empty room.

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